iCare Kids

iCare Kids was launched in 2021 with the goal to provide youth with year-round educational opportunities. iCare Kids provides three initiatives within this program realm. iCare Kids initiatives are geared towards youth ages 5-12 and provide a variety a learning platforms. iCare Kids’ inaugural year consisted of over 200 programs facilitated and reached over 1,200 youth.

The iCare Kids Learning Series provides educational opportunities that cultivate character development, financial responsibility, philanthropic engagement, and leadership in youth. Through this five unit learning program, participants develop their leadership and giving skills while making a positive impact on others.

iCare Kids Book Club

iCare Kids Book Club is an instructional reading program that focuses on character development, money smarts, philanthropy, and legacy building. Each lesson is centered on a FUN theme that is skill-level appropriate and includes corresponding activities. The book club aims to encourage reading while empowering young minds. Our goal for iCare Kids Book Club is to equip all youth with the knowledge to reach their full potential.

iCare Kids at Home

iCare Kids at Home is an activity box designed to foster children’s imagination while highlighting the importance to be money smart and helping others. Each box contains materials to complete 5 at home activities.